Monday, January 17, 2005

Politics and Politricks

Me and the then governor of Ohio at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs before I dropped out to pursue an acting career. Ironically, and quite coincidentally, it was the social service system of Ohio that broke up my family. One day, god willing, I will research the details, but as I understand it - after much abuse my Mother left my father while she was carrying her tenth child (me) and the state parceled out my 4 brothers and 4 sisters to different foster homes instead of keeping them together or providing sufficient resources to my mother to keep them together. My mother was capable and desirous of caring for her children but without the financial resources to do so she had to leave. So just as the policy during slavery had been to break up black families...the policy continued...undoubtedly under the governor pictured here even to the present day. Do you see how I am looking at him. To me the picture says "give me your job (chump), you don't impress me." I probably was not thinking that...I was much too mainstream then to even have that thought but I have never been afraid to speak my mind especially to "Stupid White Men" as Michael Moore refers to them. Unlike Michael Moore however, white people don't scare me ... at most they annoy me. Now this picture is taken in my adopted state - NJ, where Former US Senator Bill Bradley said I was an "exemplary citizen". That was far more true than he would ever know. So when I took on Gov. McGreevey in my play...and again in my book...long before he emerged from the closet of bisexuality...I did it without a jot of fear. I did it on behalf of the citizens of NJ. When the King has no clothes on...I'll be there to let his white ass know that he needs to go put some draws on. Posted by Hello


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